News about the Lookout at Brushy Creek, a custom home community just outside Hutto, Texas.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Annual "Dues" increase passes, puts Association on firm footing

At the September 9th annual meeting, the motion to increase the Annual
Maintenance Charge passed by just shy of a 3 to 1 margin! The $120 annual
fee, which has remained unchanged from the inception of the Lookout at
Brushy Creek, will increase by $10 a month to make it $240.00 annually
starting in 2009.

The 47 to 16 vote was enormously important. It allows the Property Owners
Association (POA) to start operating on a firm financial footing again. In
2009 we will be operating in the positive for the first time since 2005!

This gives us the ability to continue to vigorously enforce the ACC
restrictions on new construction, and also to step up routine maintenance
and landscaping that has been restricted in the past due to funding
shortfalls. It will also allow the POA to stop dipping into capital
reserves for normal operations.

All in all, a very important vote, and we'd like to thank the membership for
recognizing that an increase was long overdue to insure the the POA can
continue to function and look after the best interests of our community.

Special Maintenance Charge fails to clear first hurdle

The other motion on the ballot at the annual meeting was for a Special
Maintenance Charge of $400, and it failed to pass by a narrow margin. The
39 votes against it overrode the 27 votes in favor of the measure that
sought to raise $86,000 for needed repairs to the signs and fences in the

Not entirely unexpected, as many of the estimates were rougher than you¹d
hope for numbers of that size. But pulling vendors out here to provide
detailed numbers has proved difficult for the board, especially on short
notice. But as noted on one of the ballots, "Real Budget Numbers" will be
acquired before the next vote on the issue.

Another comment that came up in relation to the issue was "We need to look
into allowing homeowners perform volunteer maintenance: installation of
sprinklers and fence repair, etc." This is a great concept, and one that
would certainly be more cost effective. There is nothing that prevents
property owners from doing any of the needed work. While it won't be
discounted, we do have to face the reality that in the past when calls for
action have gone out, the response has been less than stellar. That doesn't
mean it won't work out, but if we look at history we can't really count on
volunteer labor for critical tasks.  Of course, it would be great if this changed!

Apparently there was some discussion amongst owners about a slight rise in
the maintenance charge over the next two years, as "We need to increase
annual by $60 per year for 2 years" was on several ballots. While this
would certainly be better than no additional funds at all, and would raise
over $13,000 by the end of the second year, it wouldn't be enough to fund
either the fence or new signage in the first year, or probably even by the
end of the second year. So even if the repairs could be done for that
amount you'd be talking about either leaving signage down or the fence
broken up for two years waiting to raise the funds. This doesn't really seem
to be what most people want according to the surveys, as broken signage and
busted up fences don't really contribute to the neighborhood or to our
property values. This would also push out the window for addressing the
dam, which is something the Board would like to do in the 2010 budget cycle.

You can expect to see this issue come up again, although next time it should
be with some firmer numbers and a range of pricing. It needs to be done
faster than two or three years out.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Lookout Newsletter

Hello all! Since we had such a great turnout and input at our HOA Annual Meeting, I would love to get started on the Lookout Newsletter to keep the communications ongoing. If anyone would like to help or add any information, please email to Also, I know from the meeting there was one sign up for this committee, other than myself. Could I have that information to contact the individual? Thanks.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Thank you.

I want to thank all of you who came to the HOA meeting this week. There were so many good comments and positive responses to the issues on the table that I am certain all our needs are going to be handled next year and the years following... As always, the board is open to any suggestions, commets and ideas any of you may want to express... Kay

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

New Board Members

Welcome our new board members, Lisa Vaughan and Priscilla Weikert! They
will be a wonderful addition to the team.

Re-elected to the board are Ed Smith and Kathy Schnautz.

Still serving out the remainders of their terms are Kay Davis, Jeff
Neuenschwander and Daryl Tschoepe.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Presentation and Numbers from Meeting

If you'd like a chance to view it in an uninterrupted setting, the main presentation from the meeting is available in as a Flash file here.

Here are the 2006-2008 Historical Numbers

The 2008 Actuals (to date) are here

The infamous draft of an as yet unproposed 2009 budget is here

Monday, September 8, 2008

Annual Meeting - Sept 9, 2008

Some big items to discuss, so please be at Ray Elementary at 7:00 pm sharp!

We'll be putting up a motion to raise dues (and explaining why).

We'll also discuss a motion to raise dues in 2009 only (with extra time to pay) in order to repair some of the storm damage.

Also, now that it's complete, we'll be talking about the managment transition from Alliance to RealManage.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Looking Pretty Sweet

I like, I like! Looking good, we may want to think about the reverse background. It takes longer to paint which may affect refresh on some computers and some people may be wierded out by it. But that is a preference thing, may want to get some feedback on it.

Love the calendar function, etc.